
Congreso del Instituto de La Haya sobre Justicia Global, Leiden 2016

Publicado el 08/09/16 a las 12:09h

Sobre el importante tema de asegurar la coherencia en los casos laborales del Tribunal de Justicia Europea, un importante número de conocidos profesores y jueces laboralistas se han dado cita en Leyden el pasado mes de abril para discutir los aspectos más importantes de un temario tan extenso, y sus aportaciones pasan ahora a ser publicadas para el público en general, conforme al documento que añadimos aquí abajo. Agradecemos a la coordinadora del evento, así como directora de la revista International Labor Rights Case Law, la prof. Manuela Appiah, por esa importante aportación al conocimiento global de los juristas del trabajo.
Las ponencias contenidas en el documento son las siguientes:

I. Acknowledgment
Professor Paul van der Heijden, Chair, Social Justice Expertise Center; Independent Chairperson, ILO Committee on Freedom of Association; Professor, International Labor Law, Leiden University

II. Proliferation of Fundamental Labor Rights Enforcement Mechanisms: Contemporary Discourse and Institutional Challenges – The Contribution of the European Court of Human Rights
Judge Dean Spielmann, Judge Court of Justice of the European Union (General Court); Former President, European Court of Human Rights

III. The Right to Strike: A Need to Align Different Interpretations?
Professor Monika Schlachter, Vice-President, European Committee of Social Rights; Professor of Civil Law, Labor Law and International Private Law, University of Trier

IV. Divergence in Fundamental Labor Rights Case Law: Banning Religious Symbols in Public Employment
Professor Titia Loenen, Professor of Human Rights and Diversity, Leiden University

V. Understanding Fundamental Labor Rights: Achieving Social Justice through Interpretation
Professor Niklas Bruun, Professor of Private Law, Hanken School of Economics

VI. The ILO and the Interpretation of Fundamental Rights at Work: A Closer Look at Establishing a Tribunal under Article 37(2)
Dr. Claire La Hovary, Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Fellow, University of Glasgow; Former Legal Officer, International Labour Organization

VII. Consistency, Consensus, or Coherence? Legal Interpretation of Fundamental Labor Rights
Professor Brian Langille, Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto

VIII. The Interpretation of the Court of Justice of the European Union of Fundamental Labor Rights
Judge François Biltgen, Judge, Court of Justice of the European Union

IX. Reflections from Conference Participants and Selected Pictures
X. Conference Program


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